Friday 07 September 2012
Press Officer, Tim O'Hagan writes.........
During September, Bridgend Male Choir has two major engagements. At the first, on 8th September at 7 pm, the choir will be performing by invitation at the Caldicot Male Choir’s Gala Concert which will take place in the Caldicot Leisure Centre. The Bridgend choristers are delighted to have been invited to share in this event and are looking forward to the evening.
Friday 21 September 2012 is the date of the Bridgend Male Choir’s annual concert this year. The venue as usual will be St Mary’s Catholic Church, Ewenny Road, Bridgend, well-known for the warm welcome the choir always receives there, and the excellent acoustics in the church itself.
The evening promises a real feast for music fans, and it will not be limited to male voice singing either. Guest soloist will be Elinor Rolfe Johnson, soprano, this year’s winner of the Russell Sheppard Trust Scholarship at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. The evening will also be enriched by the choir’s incredibly talented musical team. Chief among these is Rhiannon Williams Hale the choir’s Musical Director. Accompanist, Laura Smith, will be aided by Stephanie Bailey, and together they will also play a piano duet. In addition, as Deputy Musical Director for the choir, Stephanie will share the baton with Rhiannon at some stage in the evening. Finally, as if there were not already enough variety in the programme, Scott Williams, a regular at choir events, will once again display his mastery of the organ with a solo.