Vice Chairman, Gareth Davies writes...
Friday 17th. July turned out to be a very special day for retiring teacher, Glenda Davies at Oldcastle Junior School,Bridgend.The end of term assembly gave headmaster Jeremy Thompson the opportunity to present his “Headmasters Awards “to pupils and to wish the 58 pupils who were leaving for higher education the very best for the future.
A presentation was made to Miss Davies and being a fan of male choirs she was surprised but highly delighted that Bridgend Male Choir had turned up to support the school choir on her last day at work. The school ,some 450 pupils, joined the choir in performing Calon Lan and Sospan Fach and then Men of Harlech accompanied by year six pupil Joe on the trombone.
The choir also presented Miss Davies with copies of their latest recordings so that she could listen at leisure during her retirement.
The choir is grateful to the school for the use of the magnificent school hall for their weekly rehearsals.