After a successful concert at Trelales primary school, we were honoured to receive this letter from Bridgend Rotary.
.......On behalf of Rotary Bridgend I would like to give a huge 'Thanks' for the concert Bridgend Male Choir gave at Trelales Primary School on Friday 10 May. The concert was a huge success and greatly enjoyed by the capacity audience, with marvellous feedback. Our thanks also go to your excellent music team of Ryan and Stephanie, to you for your role as MC for the evening, and to the soloist, Rhian Hughes.
With the money raised from ticket sales, and the amazing amount raised from the raffle, wonderfully managed by Ann and Pam, the concert raised the sum of £1,250. The photo attached shows the presentation of the cheque yesterday to Deana Owen, chair of the charity and Belinda Green, trustee. The charity will use the money to buy much needed school books and desks for the children of Chicheleko school, Monze, Zambia.
Best wishes
Win Griffiths, President.Â